4:53 PM
Hi all, RayyFilth/rorgoroth here again, still think of this server/clan ten years later (currently may 2019) with fond memories. I hope every one of you is well.
3:49 PM
Hey do you guys still come here?
Any news of flubber?

It's so strange that its like 2 years past since we all played :|

3:06 PM
well guys, im playing at the AKK server now
no SK and all old maps, map rotation is okay
an im taking the Server over soon
so feel free to come on and see what its all
12:09 PM
hey guys im back -R4NDOM <3
4:55 PM
Visit JBC Server, there play a lot of Ex-SF-Members ;-)
6:58 PM
indeed.. I also believe SF is gone 4ever. bye all.
1:02 AM
yo guys ive waited long enough for SF to get back up, im leaving the clan now it was great to know you guys i hope to see you guys again in the future on Dri or another server i got the same name ^^
3:48 PM
if ya got some time check it out Ip:
3:48 PM
yo guys ive been playing at the Dri server these guys are nuts ya see shetload of pro skillz here their better than the guys ive ever played against on SF
8:55 AM
Hey Freez, I didn't know you kept playing on LOD server? Anyway, jbc server is nice, clan is not as every dumb ass get a join invite.. I think that's insulting all GOOD jbc members...
6:40 PM
Between ... If anyone get some time till SF is back ..please play some time on JBC Servers... theyr rly good ... close as good as SF ;-) See ya all booze
6:37 PM
Hi evry1... Miss ya all ! If some one 1 plays on LOD Server...plz tell Deadmarch he can lick me as deep as any human ever did !!!!! Ask him why he banned me and if hes chizoprenic or something ! MERDE
0:29 AM
Hi Carl! nice to see youre still around - as you can see we all miss SF and want it back lol
7:15 PM
hi guys hope you all had a good xmas and new year
8:25 AM
WANT SF BACK!!! cranky
Did enybody hear enything when server will come back online????
11:50 AM
JBC server also recommended by me.. ; thumb
3:04 PM
thx freez I give it a try!
happy new year btw.. lol booze
5:00 PM JBC best Server after SF ....belive ...its worth a try see ya all
4:59 PM
Hey Folks :-) Greetings to you Mino and Millhousy :-) miss ya all and hope to see you soon ;-) ...by the Way Mino the damned GoC Server isnt worth a play ... just Nuhps there like on LOD... Try this :
4:07 AM
Hope Carl brings the Silverfox back to life soon I miss it
8:33 PM
try this server: port 28970
2:22 PM
Sorry deadmarch and sarco, but after you reset all xp (because of new year), there is no need for me to return to the server..
hope to see you on sf server again.
4:17 PM
weep want SF back !!!!!
2:47 PM
Hi Fellas bye Merry Xmas 2 U all ...hope to see ya all on LOD Server 25 and 26th December 2009 !!! santa
5:24 PM
thx minor i check that !
1:38 PM
sjees, some dutch guys has hacked the lod server's rcon password.. a dude called Tim<333... evil
9:35 AM
thx to U 2! and yes we are old aren't we.. lol
1:21 AM
thx minor for the response we are old and we dont need insult anyone ,s@rc0 work too much on the server . pls sometimes im sure sarco like good feelback smile thx mate
6:41 PM
@deadmarch: you are angry about what I say? how come...? I have no need to insult any of you lod dudes.. don't worry, be happy. booze
0:42 AM
0:40 AM
freezy we waiting you !! im angry for all you say minorthreat thats made just 2 month the server is active and we are 366 th thats rock !! think what you want not really need you minor !!
9:23 PM
Hy guys, where are you playing?
6:33 PM
NEMESIS: where do you play these days?

Can't connect to lod server.. offline already?? killed

2:58 PM
Hi SF an Lod Freaks fear
Greetings 2 ya all ..see ya next week evil
1:42 PM
I did play on lod but ther was no one I konw!! cranky
12:45 PM
where are the ex sf members playing these days?? not on lod it seems..
11:30 AM
@Deadmarch: how about giving a higher level? so i can arrange panzerwar / sniperwar? there are more bots than human, so it's kinda boring...
11:29 AM
we all want to see the sf server backonline.!
1:02 PM
man this sucks
everyt ime i try to connect to LoD it keep on a connection error
i checked every possibllity to change that but i guess LoD server is fkd up
get the SF server back on
9:26 AM
Hy! I didn't play for a long time!!! what is with servers????
2:30 AM
yeah its the same i say on sf server !! looooooooooool
7:21 PM
hmpf, it ain't that big.. smile lev 9, but not any fancy cmds.. I want the sf server back.. sniff
10:24 AM
:-) Hi all... i cant play at moment cause my ET didnt work... i got a problem with my OpenGL... if ifixed it i kill you all ;-)
6:16 PM
millhouse i begin to give big admin level to sf member !!
7:58 PM
Hi to all!
nice to know you!
2:45 AM
just sf wont be here much longer with harv in he has drive away alot of people and he will drive meny more away too
10:55 AM
flubbs* even...
10:55 AM
if server is totally free deadmarch - why not set fulbbs up with a nice free server so SF can stay alive??? just a suggestion of course...
6:03 PM
4:06 PM
the server is totally free !!! sarco work for an internet provider smile !!! all is free free free !!